The property is situated 90 Minutes north of Whangarei along New Zealand’s majestic coastline. 

The project involved restoration of a wetland, filled in as part of the original farm, and an associated subdivision. The restoration of the wetland was the aspiration of the current owners to provide an extended habitat for endangered Brown Teal.

Engaging numerous consultants including an ecologist we envisaged a development around the new wetland to assist management and protection of the wildlife. Unable to convince council of the environmental benefits and working through the minefield of three districts plans in play we fronted our proposal to the environment court obtaining a decision enabling the development to proceed. 

We designed the various features, structures and ponds working with a local landscape architect to fill in planting. The central feature included a six-hectare natural habitat for brown teal. Through our involvement the brown teal, a single pair, increased to a count of 23 birds in one season.